Are you looking to repot your cannabis plant and produce monster buds? We’ve re-potted a lot of cannabis plants in our time and have been following these simple guidelines and have never had an issue. Your cannabis plant will require a good medium and a considerable amount of growing space for the cannabis plant to reach the height and thickness of some of the plants you have seen in certain grow books. This is how you achieve it.
By OG Team

By following this guide, it will ensure that you successfully repot your cannabis plant without damaging the cannabis plant and needing special re-potting equipment.

1.     Select Your Plant for Repotting

The first thing you should consider before transplanting your cannabis plant is whether or not it’s ready. The fourth – node rule is a good guide in assessing whether or not it’s time to repot your cannabis plants. Nodal growth is the growth of branches, these branches grow symmetrically until the flowering stage has begun.

Use a container that’s approximately the same size as your current container this will allow you to see how much extra soil you will require to fill your finishing pot and can add your soil accordingly. 

If you used a compost mix at the base of your pot, ensure that you prepare your pot a few days in advance. By doing this you ensure that the soil nutrients blend with the compost thus reducing the risk of burning your cannabis plant’s roots.

2.     Wet the Soil 

This step is often forgotten. Ensuring that your medium is moist is a crucial step when you’re repotting your cannabis plant. Watering your starter pot before you transfer your cannabis plant ensures that the medium and roots stick together, by doing this you decrease the possibility of root-rip and stunted growth. By planting your cannabis plant into a moist medium you ensure that your cannabis plants' growth is steady and it will have less environmental stress from the repotting.

3.     Dig a Hole

Use the container that was used to gauge the soil amount needed for your finishing pot to displace some soil. Wetting the soil before starting simplifies the process tenfold as the soil will stay in any shape you choose. Fill the starter pot container full of soil and keep the soil for a top-up later down the line.  

4.     Loosen your Soil

By gently squeezing around the base of your cannabis plant in the starter pot the soil will begin to loosen and become more pliable. If you squeeze too hard you can tear your precious roots, however, this is a necessary step in keeping the root-ball intact and the moist soil intact, so it’s a step that shouldn’t be skipped. Plant pots are designed in this tapered style for a reason, so don’t feel like repotting your weed plant is a difficult task. It is relatively simple. Remain cool, calm, and collected. 

5.     The Flip & Tip

While repotting your cannabis plants you need to ensure you do your best to protect the roots from damage. It’s not a big concern if you do lose a few roots in your starter pot.

When you remove your cannabis plant from the starter pot, be patient and gently pry the soil from the pot. 

Do not shake your cannabis plant this can result in you snapping the root system. Just simply rotate the pot within your hand, use your other hand to secures the stem of the cannabis plant and the topsoil, and invert the pot. The entire mass should come out.

 At this point, you should add some additional soil to fill in the hole and pack a layer around the base of your cannabis plants' stalk. 

This will ensure that the roots of your cannabis plant remain moist and cool therefore stimulating growth.

At this point, you should be aware not to compress the soil with too much force as this can undo all the hard work you have done and snap the roots. A  gentle press will suffice. 

6.     Plant and Cover 

By using the displaced soil and gently pack your transplanted cannabis plant into its new home. A good mulch should be used to help with water retention.

A simple organic mulch like bamboo or sugarcane can create a protective barrier from the sun and slowing down the moisture loss.

7.     Treat the New Soil 

Now that your cannabis plant has been given a new home you’re going to want to nourish the soil and reduce any stress factors that your plant experienced.

By repotting your cannabis plants you have introduced the root system to a new environment which can be stressful for your plants.

Using organic modifications that contain Aloe Vera and Kelp Extract will assist with the strengthening of your plants' immune system and growth. 

Noticeable growth of your cannabis plants will take place in a few days, but now that your cannabis plant has a larger space to grow and flourish the end results will be amazing.


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