Amnesia Kush brings together two of the most genetically superior strains from two of the most profound cannabis hotspots on the planet, California and Holland. The result is a Sativa-dominant beauty that delivers the power, flavour and vitality of OG Kush, along with the Sativa strength, Haze qualities and heavy yield of Amnesia.
Large plants with an open shape but less intermodal spacing than pure Sativa. Indica genes are also evident in the wide, lengthy leaflets. Expect hearty vertical and horizontal growth, with many branches typical of OG Kush heritage.
Amnesia Kush turns out thick, compact buds in high quantities, making her perfectly suited to commercial growing.
These feminised seeds produce cannabis that is deeply complex and tasty. Decadent scents of citrus and Kush, with a touch of Haze.
In a word – potent. THC content sometimes reaches upward of 20%, so inexperienced users beware. Expect an intensely powerful and lengthy high, which starts out cerebral but melts into physical relaxation later on.
A sturdy and easy-growing cannabis plant that is resistant to moisture and resulting disease. With a little attention, it produces plentiful yields. Her Sativa heritage means she doesn’t hold on to water, making her perfect for tropical and humid climates. A standard feeding schedule will do. Amnesia Kush cannabis plants can reach 3m outdoors and give off a deliciously pungent aroma so be wary of attracting unwanted attention. Limit the veg cycle to 3-weeks indoors to maximise yields and use high-quality carbon filters.